
Music Post

Alanis Moressette is one of my favorite artists from the nineties.  A very popular album of hers was "Jagged Little Pill". Shes continued to make albums up until now and has transitioned from real instruments to everything completely done electronically.  Her last album was done with a some guitar parts and the rest with studio artists recreating her songs with synthetic means.  Blink 182 is a Punk Band of the ninties.  I chose Blink 182 because they are a band I used to listen to when I was in Middle School and High School.  They use many mainly guitars, drums and amps when they are performing live and in the studio.  They are a mix of punk rock and pop music and were apparently a big contributor to the pop punk era.  Skrillex is a current dubstep/EDM artist that uses all electronic equipment in his performances and very elaborate lighting as well.  Ive seen him in concert and really enjoy the way he creates his stage presence.  He started out in a band called "From

Video Art

I did my video art assignment on the end of the year things that we all go through when it is that time for finals.  It is always a stressful time and there are quite a few of us that congregate in the lab.  Some say we practically live there :).  I did black and white to start and end the video.  I cut up the video and moved around some of the information.  I did a speed/duration on the sequence with Caroline and Kristen.  I added a wave affect on a lot of the video because its how our brains feel at the very end when the year is finally coming to an end. 

Performance Art

For my Performance Art piece I out on a white mask and put all white clothes on and went around campus to see how people would react.  The message I wanted to say was that Technology is a mask. You never know what your getting when your online or using any kind of social media.  People on there can hide behind a computer screen.  They can lie about who they are and you'll never know.  I got some really weird looks from some of the students, but there were some students that didn't notice at all because they were immersed in there phones which proves how much we rely on and use the technology that is made available to us. I don't know if I would do this again.  It is definitely uncomfortable walking around trying to stand out.  But hypothetically if I were to do it again id probably try to make myself even more noticeable which is strange to say because I was walking around in a white mask and all white clothes and hardly anyone noticed.  Maybe I would wear the same o

Favorite Performers

There were several performances that I enjoyed watching.  As always a favorite is going to be Banksy. Ive seen "Exit through the Gift Shop" and thought of the graffiti artists from that story to be very bold and creative in there presentations of there work.  With many of them including Banksy going out in the middle of the night or at the most random times of day, they go onto roofs, on the side of buildings and billboard signs with spray paint and large poster size images to self promote themselves and there work.  The Flash mobs were so interesting to watch.  There were a few I enjoyed like "The Frozen Grand Central" performance where a group of 200+ people coordinated a moment to where they were going to freeze at the exact same moment in whatever position they were in.  There were several people all over the station filming the event.  Its amazing how much attention was drawn from just being still.   There was a performance called "Kagemu a Paris"

Photocopy Art

This is my Photocopy assignment. I used a little bit of style from Andy Warhol with the multiple colors and duplicates of images.  I was a little inspired by the Hindu God Durga, who had multiple limbs. I took my images into photoshop and played with the hue and saturation. I wish some days I had multiple arms and hands so I could multitask more and id get more done.


My Photo is a picture of me and my boyfriend.  I chose a portrait of us because i really wanted to challenge myself with the limited color pallet and see what I could come up with.  My Grid Art Project was done with beads and bead adhesive on gloss paper that is 35" by 35".

flip book

The book I chose was The Hobbit, the prequel story to "The Lord of the Rings". I used the Elvin language and created background music in garage band.  The pictures are drawings i did to represent certain words in the song.